Follow us as we go on a new adventure in Philadelphia. We know our journey will be full of twists and turns, as any adventure is, and we are excited to share it with our friends and family. We hope it makes you feel like you are a part of our journey!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

.... 2 .....

It is now down to two days. I honestly still cannot wrap my head around it yet. I keep trying to imagine what it's going to feel like when we finally go and I'm trying to help myself realize it's just two short days away. But it still just doesn't feel real yet. We were blessed with a beautiful day yesterday which I think helped give us energy. I said goodbye to my beloved piano yesterday. My dearest "Kimball" as I called her has been one of the most special things I've owned but it was time for us to say goodbye. It was going to be much too difficult to move her across the country and back. Luckily, she went to a student I had at Chief Kanim last year. So she is in a good home now. I had to close my eyes and ears while they moved her out yesterday though. The mom of the student had hired some mover guys off of craigslist that had no idea what they were doing. It was a little scary... well actually... a lot scary. But it did eventually make it down all the stairs and onto their truck after about 2-3 hours of work. Yikes!!

We got a lot of packing done yesterday too. It doesn't exactly feel like we got as much done as we did because we have nowhere to move the boxes to yet. So we just have all this big furniture and boxes sitting around, but once we can finally put it in the truck we will feel much better I'm sure. We couldn't have done it without my parents help though. They packed up nearly the entire kitchen for us and my dad helped with assembling boxes and lifting them around. It was hard work, but our breaks for beer, wings, and mom's yummy pesto chicken wraps helped us keep going.

Yesterday evening we went downtown about 7:30 and did more engagement photos. We got some beautiful sunset photos on the bridge where David proposed (insert "awwwww" here), and did a few just near the bridge right after the sun went down. Bart also wanted to get some night shots and we were up for it so we went across the street to Jillian's and had a few drinks while we waited for it to get dark. Then we went back out to take some night photos. I think some of them could be really cool. I can't wait to see them and add to the amazing collection Bart has put together for us already. We ended up doing photos for another 4 hours, but for me... I love it. I don't think of it as just pictures; I also really enjoy the time we spend with each other and I make out with all kinds of hugs, snuggles and kisses (insert evil laugh here "muah ha ha ha"). ;-)

This morning we are heading to my church, Emmanuel Presbyterian, to say goodbye and have the church say a special prayer for us. If there is one thing I know about this church from the last 15 years, it's that if you've got Emmanuel praying for you- you got a whole lot help with ya. It will be special to have that encouragement, support, and that time to focus on knowing that we are not making this journey alone. Then it's on to one of the more difficult goodbye's. Did you see David with that sweet pea in the picture? We have to say goodbye to that precious girl as well as David's brother and sister in law, nephew, and David's parents. This will not be easy. I will miss very much spending time with this incredible family. I will miss laughing until my sides hurt, eating good BBQ or whatever good food this family decides to make. I will miss Cathy's rice krispie treats, the adorable nieces and nephews that say and do the cutest things- and I will miss the hugs and love we get every time we spend time together. The good thing though? We have all kinds of wonderfulness to look forward to when we return. :-)

Finally, it will be back home to finish packing and cleaning. By the time we go to bed tonight, everything will be packed and set to go in the truck tomorrow. Weird.... and exciting. Such a mix of feelings right now. But there's all kinds of adventure ahead of us and I can't wait to see what life has in store for us.

2 days left......

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your guys' engagement photos, I bet they are fantastic!

    Wow, you're leaving so soon! I'm so excited for you two, I bet you are going to have an amazing two years in Philly. I can't wait to hear more.
